The first league tournament will take place at Mitchell House (IP Block) on Saturday, 5th February 2022 from 08:30 to 14:00.

Motions (prepared)

  • South Africa should become a cashless society.
  • Parents should give their children a monthly allowance.

Who may attend?

Teams must consist of 3 members. Participants should be in Grade 6 – 7. Schools may register up to 3 teams. This tournament can only cater for 14 teams altogether.

Registration information

The registration fee will be R350.00 per team and includes a light lunch and adjudicators. Please confirm your attendance by email or text message and indicate how many teams you would like to register. Registration closes on Wednesday, 2nd February 2022.

Schools are urged to settle registration fees before the tournament on Saturday, 5th February 2022.