The 5th Myngenoegen Debating League tournament took place at PEPPS Preparatory on Thursday, 20 April 2023. Hosted by Jamie de Jager and Jackie Pohotona. The tournaments are getting a little bigger each time they take place.

Congratulations to our winners on the day!

Best Debating Team: PEPPS Firs (PEPPS Preparatory maintains a winning streak)

Best Debater: Mogau Tladi and Mogau Semenya, PEPPS Preparatory

Best Impromptu Speaker: Karen Mataga, PEPPS Preparatory

The tournament also achieved some notable firsts. Sione Primary School joined us from Ga-Molepo and Mokopane English Combined School travelled in from Mokopane. Some seniors from the the PEPPS College assisted with adjudication throughout the day.

Lastly, the were two outdoor venues on the day that made some interesting debating scenery under the African sun. Definitely worth repeating someday.